March 14th, 2008
The Tulsa World reports:
The son of a state lawmaker who has condemned homosexuality as a worse threat to the U.S. that “terrorists or Islam” said Friday he wants it known that he is “straight and not gay.”
Jesse Kern, son of Rep. Sally Kern, R-Oklahoma City, said information purporting that he is gay, which has appeared on several blogs, is damaging to himself and his family.
… Kern, who said he is affiliated with the Des Moines School of Metaphysics, said that he chooses to be celibate, but he is not homosexual.
I don’t know whether the speculation is damaging or not. Uncomfortable, maybe. Nevertheless, he holds a few views that appear to be distinctly different from his mother’s:
He said the purpose of sex is reproduction, and it is the function of the animal body.
“But we are more than animals, and we can use sex for a tool of deep relationship with another person.”
Kern added that what is more important than whether it be a relationship with someone of the same sex, is that there “needs to be honor in any relationship whether it is a straight or gay relationship.”
Update: The link to the Tulsa World article has been corrected.
Update: Jesse Kern’s isn’t just “affiliated” with the Des Moines School of Metaphysics. He’s the director.
See also:
Sally Kern Is a Little Confused
Sally Kern’s Economic Fallout
Sally Kern’s Meeting with PFLAG on Tape
Exodus’ Local Ministry Aligns with Sally Kern
Certified Cameronite: Sally Kern
Kern Speaks to College Republicans
Sally Kern: Out of Context? The Complete Transcript
We Be Jammin’
Muslims and Gays United
OK State Rep. Sally Kern’s Son is “Straight and Not Gay”
Sally Kern Exaggerates Death Threats
A Letter to Sally Kern
LaBarbera Award: Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern
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Dave Rattigan
March 14th, 2008
I think you got the link wrong!
Jim Burroway
March 14th, 2008
Sure enough! Copy/paste error. Thanks for point it out.
March 14th, 2008
The explanation seems like it is straight out of the ex-gay handbook. But, good for him for clearing the record.
Martin Lanigan
March 14th, 2008
“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”
In 1989 a Jesse Kern (perhaps unrelated to the subject of this article) was arrested for “oral sodomy”. The link to the record is here:
Disclaimer from the web page: The information on this page is NOT an official record. Do not rely on the correctness or completeness of this information. Verify all information with the official record keeper. The information contained in this report is provided in compliance with the Oklahoma Open Records Act, 51 O.S. 24A.1. Use of this information is governed by this act, as well as other applicable state and federal laws.
Martin Lanigan
March 14th, 2008
In fairness to the Jesse Kern referred to in my above post, these charges were never proven and were subsequently dropped.
Jim Burroway
March 14th, 2008
According to the Tulsa World article, Jesse Kern is 31. The charges you linked to are dated 1989. If Jesse really is 31, then he was only 12 when this case was dismissed. Either he’s really not 31 today, or this is likely to be a different Jesse Kern.
Timothy Kincaid
March 14th, 2008
Alas poor Kerns. Jesse isn’t gay, he’s metaphysical. Eeeek.
Now not only is he a family embarassment amongst the good Baptist folk who attend their church, but none of them are completely sure why.
Now they get to suffer all the “poor Sally, her son doesn’t love Jesus” without any of the sympathy that comes to homophobic parents that “fight Satan” by disowning their kids.
If she weren’t so evil, I’d feel pity.
Martin Lanigan
March 14th, 2008
Agreed. 12 is unlikely age for “oral sodomoy”.
BTW – What is oral sodomy? I have never encountered that expression before.
Jim Burroway
March 14th, 2008
Here’s an update: Jesse Kern’s isn’t just “affiliated†with the Des Moines School of Metaphysics. He’s the director.
March 14th, 2008
Well now that that’s cleared u–oops:
I don’t know what it’s worth, but for what it is worth, my best friend graduated from the School of Metaphysics (he now comes to me for regular philosophical tune ups).
And this little Jesse Kern boy, why he’s just as cute as a button.
His concerned mother speaks highly of him @12:35:
So, Jesse… When abouts was ya planning on telling her about the whole reincarnation and karma thing?
March 15th, 2008
“Oral sodomy” is just oral sex. Sodomy is a catch-all term for sexual activity other than the reproductive act.
Oral sodomy could just as easily occur between a man and a woman as between two men. You learned nothing about the sexuality of the Jesse Kern of your article from his 1989 arrest. (The arrest would presumably have been because the sexual activity wasn’t consensual.)
Martin Lanigan
March 15th, 2008
From my understanding, anti-sodomy laws have been rarely enforced against heterosexuals in the 20th century in Canada. Although as you correctly point out, sodomy technically applies to both hetero and homo activities.
Is this also not the case in the United States?
Timothy Kincaid
March 15th, 2008
(The arrest would presumably have been because the sexual activity wasn’t consensual.)
I don’t think we can make that assumption. In Oklahoma in 1989 sodomy laws were still on the books and selectively enforced.
It probably wasn’t consensual sex in someone’s home. So I suspect it was more along the lines of sex in the bushes or some restroom park. Which makes me assume it was most likely same-sex activity.
But none of this matters as it was very likely NOT Sally’s son. It might, however, be a brother-in-law or cousin as Jesse might be a family name. I would not be surprised at a family link since Sally seems so fired up about this danger “worse than terrorism”.
Regan DuCasse
March 15th, 2008
Ok…so Jesse Kern is a virgin. Or is he ex sexual? Either way, he sounds boring. NEXT!
Regan DuCasse
March 15th, 2008
Hmmm…now that I think about it, it’s true. Some gay men go that route and save themselves as per the instructions of their churches.
32 years old. That’s a long wait.
He kind of reminds me of what I picked up in other ex gays or ex sexuals.
The kind of women or men who would be into them…would have to be someone universally beige, if they are close to his own age.
Or simply inexperienced if they are very young.
In a way…correct me if I’m wrong, but there is something a little (or more than a little off) about that. The ages between 17 and 30 are the BEST for truly exploring one’s hotness-who you want and how to attract them.
I mean in the sense of BEING enticing and attractive and not having to WAIT or save anything.
Especially not that long. I understand about the work involved in building a good relationship and having at least had experience with someone interesting that arouses all manner of spiritual and intellectual passion if not physical, I would think is in the realm of possibility LONG before one’s 30’s.
I can only think of a few gay men who would attract a straight woman who is paying attention.
And only a few lesbians who would attract a straight man. A Portia DiRossi, for example.
But gee, Jesse…beige isn’t even fun when you’re picking drapes.
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