Ugandan Gov’t Poised to Take “Stern Action” Against Gays

Jim Burroway

March 26th, 2009

This morning’s Uganda Pulse reports this worrying development:

The government has threatened to take stern “action” against promoters of homosexuality and lesbianism in Uganda.

The State Minister for Ethics and Integrity, Dr. James Nsaba Buturo said today that the government is working on stern modalities to fight homosexuality especially in schools.

This follows a petition by parents under the Family Life Network NGO claiming that homosexual promoters are very active in Uganda and are luring students into the practice with cash gifts and promises to needy students from unstable or poor families.

The Executive Director of Family Life Network, Stephen Langa told journalists in Kampala that many children had been psychologically tortured and traumatized by experiences of homosexuality which the group described as unnatural and anti Christian.

Dr. Buturo says the government is going to act swiftly to stop what he calls “moral corruption” of vulnerable Ugandans, especially children into homosexuality.

He says the practice of same sex relationships is illegal in Uganda and unacceptable to the people of Uganda. The minister did not however specify which stern action was to be taken, given that the High Court ruled last year that all Ugandans, including homosexuals and lesbians are accorded the same rights and freedoms by Uganda’s constitution.

Click here to see BTB’s complete coverage of recent anti-gay developments in Uganda.


March 26th, 2009

“The Executive Director of Family Life Network, Stephen Langa told journalists in Kampala that many children had been psychologically tortured and traumatized by experiences of homosexuality…”

Does he have reliable evidence to back this claim?


March 26th, 2009

KZ, it doesn’t matter if he has evidence any more than it mattered whether Hitler had evidence that the Jews caused Germany’s economic crisis in the 20s and 30s. The point is, this sort of thing whips people up into a frenzy.

I’m going to say this again: Everybody here needs to contact their representatives in Congress NOW.

We could have a real-life pogrom on our hands, and the Americans who helped to instigate it need to be held accountable if that happens.

L. Junius Brutus

March 26th, 2009

More “love, compassion and charity” coming from Christian fundamentalists. Once again, they show that the only things that they love are hatred and persecution.

Lynn David

March 27th, 2009

The reliable evidence the FLN’s Langa has is Oundo. So if Oundo has gone over to Christianity why isn’t he doing the right thing and turning himself into the police, confessing his crime and doing his time.

Since he isn’t, it is obvious that Langa has no evidence.


March 27th, 2009

Oundo has all the hallmarks of confession-by-terror. All else aside.

If I was gay, and in Uganda, I wouldn’t be pissing around with Oundo’s obvious lies. He’s saying them for a reason, but those lies would put me in danger. Who could care if Oundo is a liar — what matters is what he therefore enables. What Oundo speaks will result in the death of people.

And where… where…

Where is that filthy coward Alan Chambers? Where is his whiney, pathetic voice in all this???

That filthy organisation he runs sent people to support this abuse.

He makes a weak statement in private to us, but fails to condemn what Exodus allied itself to. He makes excuses for the worse type of inhuman abuse.

Alan Chambers sits at home in Florida in air-conditioned comfort next to his coldly-political wife and his adopted children and watches a Nemo DVD … and pretends not to know what his organisation has caused.

We never had any respect for Alan Chambers, personally. He is a fraud (and he’s allowed to be).

But now, he’s an excuse for terror.

I’m sorry if we sound so hot on this — we are personally in contact with people from Uganda*. They are terrified. They cannot go home*. Or they wish to leave home* They think they, or people they know, will be murdered by a ‘Christian’ mob. The situation has become dramatically worse in the past few weeks — ever since Exodus allied itself with a thug.

And yet, Alan Chambers sits at home — silent — watching a Nemo DVD and wondering which shopping mall to visit tomorrow. Such is life, when you live next to Disney Land.

We hope he’s proud of all he has achieved. He did it on the raw, broken backs of people’s misery.

They buy his silence.

His silence means terror, for others.

We thank God that Alan Chambers doesn’t have a conscience.


* redacted etc, for obvious reasons.


ps sorry for the heat, Jim, Timothy et al. We’ve had news from a Ugandan in (a large city in Europe) that has shocked the living daylights out of us. And that’s not easy to do. The police in Uganda do have a list of names, it appears, and have had for several weeks — the high profile names will be on trial (eventually), the lesser will be left to the mob (eventually). And we all know what ‘the mob’ will mean. We feel absolutely powerless, even given the vagaries of the Ugandan justice system.

If not for the fact we’ve gained business contacts all over the World over the years (and therefore can talk without identifying anyone), we too would be even more circumspect to protect others. The situation is dire. We have no respect for Exodus, but if ever there was ever a time they needed to be called upon to make phone calls — it is now. Now.

This situation is what American taxpayers have paid for. You trained the terrorists and paid their wages, and now they are in the community causing terror.

Jim, Timothy et al; we know how much this matters to you — but we implore you to again and again contact anyone you may think can help. The situation is rapidly running out of control.

Timothy Kincaid

March 27th, 2009


If you would like to share the story from the Ugandan – in a disguized manner if necessary – please email.



March 27th, 2009

Timothy, did do after the post (ditto Jim).

We have asked for permission to release any details if possible, but the situation sounds extremely dangerous at present. We do trust the source. This is not something we wish to fool around with given the consequences, and we know none of you here will wish to either. Not that we doubted it, but what we’ve heard has more than confirmed what has already been said at BTB.

For all the crap we complain about in our communities, nothing compares to this. We realise we are really are feeling quite sickened from what we have heard over the past few week, and it may be showing.

We think everyone knows what we mean, and it hurts.

Thanks Timothy and Jim etc — your efforts do mean an awful lot to everyone. Us included.


May 17th, 2009

its not biblical for man to have sexual relations with a fellow man. homosexuals and lesbians are a very big thhreat to our children in society and therefore the ugandan government should establish healthy centers where by such people can be catred for. thanks

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