Will Lou Engle Unleash Another “Nuclear Bomb” In Uganda?

Jim Burroway

April 22nd, 2010

Here is an audio recording of Lou Engle’s The Call rally held in Las Vegas on September 25, 2007.  (I have posted the transcript after the jump for those with slow Internet connections.)

This provides a good idea of how Engle sees gay people, and it raises reasonable fears that he will provide similar over-the-top rhetoric when he holds another The Call rally in Kampala, Uganda on May 2.

Now compare Engle’s rhetoric to Scott Lively’s “Nuclear Bomb” from last year:

April 19, 2009 edition of Uganda's Red Pepper (Scans via GayUganda. Names and faces obscured by Box Turtle Bulletin. Click to enlarge).

That talk, along with subsequent meetings with members of Parliament, added fuel to an already raging anti-gay bonfire, which eventually led to the introduction of the draconian Anti-Homosexuality Bill into Parliament later that year. That bill calls for executing gay people who happen to be HIV positive or who are “serial offenders” of homosexuality and related offenses — related offenses which include advocating on behalf of LGBT people, providing aid and services to LGBT people, and failing to turn LGBT people over to police.

That was just the official reaction. Unofficial reaction to that “Nuclear Bomb” include demonstrations, public outing campaigns of private individuals, arrests, and even at least one death.

This is the tinderbox that Engle will strut into with his flame-throwing rhetoric in a little more than a week. If he deploys similar rhetoric as he did in Las Vegas — and there’s absolutely no reason to believe he will in any way modify his well-established routine — the aftermath will be entirely predictable. We have a well-documented precedent.

If Engle continues on his well-trodden course, he cannot pretend that no one can forsee the consequences of what he says. He risks unleashing another round of bloodletting in Uganda. And if he does, he will bear those stains for the remainder of his days.

Lou Engle, at Las Vegas, Sept. 25, 2007

See, people say, “Well, we don’t want to be involved in politics. We don’t want to be involved in this…” Come on! You better be involved in it all. The reason is because He’s King of Kings and Lord of Lords. It’s not a nice name that we use in our worship songs. He seeks to manifest it now, in this Earth, in preparation for the Millennial Reign of Christ. Right now, we begin to rule with him.

So what does he do? He promotes his guys to the highest realm, removes three guys, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are then promoted into the highest places. That’s what he wants to do. He wants to top guys of the kingdom to rule!

And they don’t do it with the [?]. They do it with servitude. They do it with meekness. They do it with fasting and prayer. And they do it with revelation. But they’re better! They’re ten times better!

…My son Jesse, he’s nineteen years old. God has given him dreams to go to San Francisco to launch a house of prayer one lock from the Castro District, where the homosexuals boast the dominion of darkness. He’s going there with weeping in his heart. With the dream that prayer is stronger than the dominion of that spirit.

He’s not going with an angry right. He’s going with violence in the heavens and a [?] on the Earth. He may have to stay there sixty years to see that happen. He said to me, “Dad,” he said, “as long as I’m there I don’t think the Lord will judge San Francisco. [The crowd boos.]

look for a man to stand in the gap that can cry Mercy! Not Judgment, mercy! Not judgment. …

He’s nineteen years old. He’s starting to cast out homosexual spirits out of our new converts. It’s scary as hell. The whole thing’s scary. But fathers are to send their sons into the darkest places.

So God spoke to me, “Take your son and offer him up on the Mountain. I will show you.” Genesis 22:2: “Take now thy son, thine only son who you love, and offer him up on Mount Moriah.” God’s been speaking to us about this and I was weeping…. God said, “Send your son to San Francisco and offer him up on those mountains.” And I’m thinking, “God, that’s the worst place to send him.” I couldn’t deny…. I was burning in my heart and burning in his heart.

So I was praying about this: I was in Kansas City. You know, in this hotel. I was meeting with these people, and this girl said, “I just dreamed that my son… your son Jesse was in San Francisco and he was praying for the Free Man.” St Francis — Francis means “free man.” San Francisco is the city of the Free Man. And he said, “It’s Mount Moriah Free Man.”

I walk… that night I go to the IHOP [International House of Prayer] Meeting in KAnsas City. I’m driving out of the hotel, and the road, the driveway into the hotel, it goes right out into the mortuary and it says, “Mt. Moriah Free Man Mortuary.” And I freak out. And I know the Lord… “Offer your son unto death for the sake of the homosexual in America.”

What I am saying is that God wants every stronghold!


April 22nd, 2010

This man is delusional…and dangerous.


April 22nd, 2010

Is there any information out there about what exactly Engle’s son is doing? Is he involved in some kind of cure-the-gays ministry? Hopefully some time around some happy gays, and away from an angry father, will give him a more sane perception of things.


April 22nd, 2010

is there any way engle’s visit to uganda can be prevented?


April 22nd, 2010


a nineteen year old dreams that he’s to go to San Francisco and spend hours and hours and hours in the Castro.

Any doubt at all what that is really about?

Better give dad a reason he’ll accept – I know, tell dad you’re going to save the gays.


April 22nd, 2010

If Jesse Engle starts noticing that gays are just regular people, he’ll have to figure out what to do with his life besides playing at casting out demons. And I cannot imagine that either going to college or working at a normal job would be nearly as exciting as that. So there’s a built-in inducement for him not to see all the well-adjusted homosexuals right under his nose (or even sitting across from him at breakfast, if David’s right.)

Engle’s brand of millenialism and demonology plays into people’s need to feel as if they’re at the center of some cosmic drama. If your future prospects are uncertain, that can be quite seductive. He targets young people in particular, and has been unusually successful in doing so. If you’re recently out of high school, unemployed, and an evangelical, what would you rather be? A faceless casualty of the recession, or a mighty warrior in Elijah’s army, blowing the trumpet in Zion? Until the economy picks up, Engle’s appeal is only going to get broader.

Notice how he plays up the scariness of it all — Jesse is casting out demons ONE BLOCK FROM THE CASTRO. (It is scary. Any minute now, he could be seriously overcharged for a croissant.) Engle also panders to people’s desire to be scared in a fun, slasher movie kind of way. That always has a certain appeal, and it’s only going to get more appealing now that there are genuinely scary things out there like foreclosure and joblessness. You can pay ten bucks to go to a horror movie, or you can go to The Call rallies and feel delightfully pretend-scared and very, very important at the same time.


April 22nd, 2010

And will Exodus International, Focus on the Family, and Liberty University continue to affiliate with such extremists?

They are all part of a coalition called the “Freedom Federation.”

paul j stein

April 22nd, 2010

We need to focus on TAXING the churches! Remove the ability to conduct this crap on a deductible basis.


April 23rd, 2010

Where’s the CIA when you need them? They have to stop this before there are more lives lost and America becomes a joke.

BTW, GayUganda’s blog has been silent too long. He has had death threats, hope he is ok.


April 23rd, 2010

First I saw this Engle guy was in the movie, Jesus Camp. Worth a watch to see how skilled he and his ilk are at breaking people down and rebuilding them into their own soldiers. Of course, in that movie, they’re doing it to pre-pubescent children…

Ben in Oakland

April 23rd, 2010

“Dad,” he said, “as long as I’m there I don’t think the Lord will judge San Francisco.”

Megalomania much, mister?

Maurice Lacunza

April 23rd, 2010

To David: I thought the same thing about that 19 year old and even had a little bit of compassion for him. Out of respect to him, I will spare the obvious commentary.

Did anyone notice that the crowd booed at the thought of San Francisco NOT being judged?


April 23rd, 2010

To David again: So Jesse Engle says, “as long as I am there, the Lord won’t judge San Francisco.”

Re Ben in Oakland: This is a tough one. Does he get a free pass to live out his gay days in SF, or, is he the megalomaniac that Ben in Oakland described?

To Frijondi: Your right. Maybe God wants them to spread the message of love and not the message of anti-gay.

I googled him on Facebook. Interesting. On one hand I feel like a voyeur, on the other hand, Lou tossed his son into the media spotlight and Jesse is packin his bags for the Castro District.


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