December 10th, 2009
Rachel Maddow had author Jeff Sharlet on her program last night. Sharlet is the author of The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power, and has been following the connections of The Family to the current attempt in Uganda to legislate LGBT people out of existence through its draconian Anti-Homosexuality Act. That proposed Act is now reportedly being modified to drop the death penalty but add forced conversions. If true, that would provide even more evidence that the anti-gay conference last March by three American ex-gay proponents was a major factor in propelling this bill to where we are today.
Sharlet had earlier identified Ugandan Member of Parliament David Bahati, who introduced the Anti-Homosexuality Act in Uganda’s Parliament, as a “rising star” and member of The Family. It is The Family that organizes the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., and Bahati has played a role in organizing the Ugandan National Prayer Breakfast for some time.
While the March anti-gay conference in Kampala played a huge role in providing impetus for the proposed legislation, Sharlet reports that the idea for the draconian bill predates that conference. According to Sharlet, Bahati got the idea for the Anti-Homosexuality Act at the October 2008 Ugandan National Prayer Breakfast where he floated the idea during a private meeting. Sharlet reports that other Family members tried to dissuade Bahati from his plans, but in the end they work a balance “between access and accountability” and the decided that access to Ugandan political figures was more important than holding them accountable for the lives of a reviled minority.
Sharlet reports that Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) may have attended this particular prayer breakfast, although he’s still trying to get confirmation of that. He has been very active in Ugandan Prayer breakfasts in the past and travels to Uganda about twice a year. Ugandan Family members credit Inhofe for making the Ugandan National Prayer Breakfast a success.
Sharlet reports that the bill has caused something of a schism between the Ugandan and American branches of The Family. While several American members of The Family are quietly trying to put a stop to the bill, Sens. Inhofe and Sam Brownback (R-KS) have refused to step up, characterizing the bill as an internal Ugandan matter that they don’t want to “interfere” with — despite the fact that they’ve had no reluctance to “interfere” in Ugandan matters where condom distribution to fight AIDS is concerned.
David Bahati and Ethics and Integrity Minister James Nsaba Buturo plan to come to the American National Prayer Breakfast in February 2009. Sharlet reports that the Ugandans pushing for this bill may be dis-invited to the Prayer Breakfast.
L-R: Unidentified woman, American holocaust revisionist Scott Lively, International Healing Foundation's Caleb Brundidge, Exodus International boardmember Don Schmierer, Family Life Network (Uganda)'s Stephen Langa, at the time of the March 2009 anti-gay conference in Uganda.
This is important news to help place the line of events into context. While it appears that the anti-gay conference put on by three American ex-gay proponents wasn’t the source for the idea of outlawing LGBT people, it certainly played a major role in making this proposal a reality by putting a public face on the “pressure” for the legislation. That conference served as a launching pad for a public campaign demanding that “something be done” — a campaign that included further meetings and demonstrations, culminating in an orgy of public outings and denunciations as part of a national vigilante campaign. Throughout the campaign, the words and writings of the three American activists were used as fuel to propel the hysteria further. All of this breathed new life into a germ of an idea hatched five months earlier.
Click here to see BTB\’s complete coverage of the past year’s anti-gay developments in Uganda.
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Jonathan Justice
December 10th, 2009
So, now we get to see that there are some parallels between The Family’s role in Uganda and Opus Dei’s role in Franco’s Spain. Perhaps somebody needs to have a little heart to heart about how much good that did. The part about how hurting lots of little people so as to build up one’s connection to a tyrannical government that then falls taking just about all of your connections with it and exposing your agenda to the political will of a bunch of folks who remember your role in the previous regime all too well, should be particularly interesting.
Or rather, it would be if it ever happened. That sort of reflection on ideology and praxis is unlikely because these folks are too obsessed with the schemes at hand and too lazy to seriously consider how much damage they are doing to their own agenda.
December 10th, 2009
Is there any news concerning what Democrats are doing? People shouldn’t be allowed to go overseas and spread lies that foment hate/violence. These American preaches should not be allowed to do this shite! Also do we know if Sweden is still going to withold it’s aide money. There was a link to an article about Sweden cutting off aide if the bill was passed on
December 10th, 2009
Uhh.. based on what legal grounds?
Keep in mind such an approach would also give government the power to deny gay rights advocates from working abroad..
No thanks, I’ll keep my freedom of movement. It’s restricted enough by draconian immigration rules as it is.
Timothy (TRiG)
December 10th, 2009
It’s a standard mutter: There should be a law against it! It shouldn’t be allowed! People say that sort of thing all the time; they’re rarely actually thinking in terms of real legislation. It’s just a way of expressing strong disapproval of someone’s actions.
I’m guessing, from the use of the word shite, that KP is Irish, or possibly British. You Americans may have different idioms.
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