Posts Tagged As: American Family Association

GOP Top Tier Ignore the “Values Voters”

Timothy Kincaid

September 17th, 2007

The great circus of extremism known as the Values Voters Debate is being held today, and the Republican front runners will not be there. NBC6 is reporting that Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, John McCain and Fred Thompson all have “scheduling conflicts” and wouldn’t be caught dead at the event.

One can hardly blame them. The debate is moderated by WorldNetDaily’s Joseph Farah and will host questions from “the American Family Association, Liberty Counsel, Creation Studies Institute and the like”, including the brother of Terri Schiavo.

But though Janet Folger is terribly disappointed (and predicting dire results for those who are skipping the lunacy), there are some candidates so extreme (or so desperate) that they are willing to publically tie their wagons to young earthers, Ford boycotters, xenophobes, and homophobes.

Tonight’s forum, which will be moderated by Joseph Farah, the editor of WorldNetDaily, will feature Senator Sam Brownback (R-Kansas), former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, Congressmen Duncan Hunter (California), Ron Paul (Texas), and Tom Tancredo (Colorado), John Cox — and former U.S. Ambassador Alan Keyes, who announced his candidacy over the weekend.

Those with nothing to do (and I truly mean nothing to do) can tune in to watch the also-rans claim to each be more extreme than the other.

Do These Folks Agree With Cameron’s “Solution”

Jim Burroway

May 14th, 2007

Dr. Warren Throckmorton has also posted about Paul Cameron’s disturbing views expressed in Cameron’s article, “Gays in Nazi Germany.” Dr. Throckmorton concludes:

Suffice to say that Dr. Cameron is not simply ideologically opposed to homosexuality, he is fixated on “solutions” that I find abhorrent. I call on fellow social conservatives who still refer to the Camerons’ work to take a hard look at these posts and reflect on whether someone with such extreme animosity could possibly approach social science data with sufficient objectivity to be trusted.

When Ex-Gay Watch pointed out that Exodus was using Cameron’s research, Exodus finally responded by removing those web pages from their web site. On the other hand, NARTH has so far failed to act.

I wonder how many of these individuals, organizations and publishers agree with Paul Cameron’s Solution for those who live “parasitic lives”?

E-mail me or leave a comment if you find someone who is using Cameron’s “science” and I’ll add them to the list.

American Family Association:
Americans For Truth:
Concerned Women For America:
Ears To Hear:
Evergreen International:
Family Research Council:
International Healing Foundation (Richard Cohen):
Lifesite News:
National Association for the Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH):
One News Now:
Renew America:
Virtue Online:

Let me know if you find any others.

Two Republicans Do The Right Thing

Jim Burroway

August 21st, 2006

The editors of the Kalamazoo Gazette observed that “After what happened to a couple of Kalamazoo County commissioners this week, it’s a wonder any Republican lawmakers have the nerve to support equal rights for homosexuals.”

Last Tuesday, two GOP Commissioners joined seven Democrats to include “a person’s political affiliation, sexual orientation or gender identity” in the county’s non-discrimination policy. Immediately before the vote, more than six thousand residents started getting automated phone calls with recorded messages from the American Family Association denouncing GOP Commissioners Bob Brink and Joe VanBruggen. Despite all this, the two stuck to their guns and passed the measure.

The editors congratulate their courage:

So we know that the AFA has a long memory and is more than willing to try to punish elected officials for years after a vote the organization doesn’t approve of.

That does put a target on Brink’s back if he decides to run for the 61st House District seat in two years.

Sometimes, it isn’t easy to do the right thing when one knows that the penalty might be the end of a political career.

Bob Brink and Joe VanBruggen showed a lot of courage Tuesday night.

Contact information to congratulate the Board is available via this web site.

A Study in Holland

Jim Burroway

July 31st, 2006

There has been a noticeable increase in the number of visitors to this web site using search engines to learn more about the famous “Dutch Study.” I suspect the recent spike in visitors may have something to do with an article that appeared in the American Family Association’s AFA Journal this month. Ed Vitagliano notes that in countries and states where marriage or civil unions are allowed, the number of same-sex couples tying the knot is relatively low. Why do you suppose that is? Ed thinks he has the answer:

Even when they couple, homosexual relationships are relatively short-lived. A study of homosexual couples in Holland found that same-sex unions lasted an average of 18 months and included an average of eight additional sex partners outside the “monogamous” relationship.

Well we’ve been down this familiar road before. The AFA is relying on cooked statistics for this. This was a non-representative study based on AIDS patients who were all under the age of thirty. This is hardly a pool where you’d expect to find many couples celebrating their golden anniversaries. But these statistics have reached urban-legend status. You can read more about it in Straight From The Source: What the “Dutch Study” Really Says About Gay Couples.

The AFA thinks that the low number of same-sex couples getting hitched shows that gays aren’t really interested in marriage, but are only interested in advancing their nefarious plot to win “the cultural victory that legalized same-sex marriage would represent.” But as I said before, I think the answer is much simpler — and much more conservative and family-valued than that.

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At last, the truth can now be told.

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